Monday, November 21, 2005

The New High

Summer's here and things are heating up fast. Its time for short flippy skirts, denim minis, bikinis and long flowy skirts. Now, I love my high heels, I really do. I wish I could be the girl who's known for never wearing lower than so-and-so inches of heel. And I tried, I really did. But the balls of my feet eventually got the better of me. I realised that I just couldn't keep up my shopping habit with feet on protest. So I donned my most comfy pair of heels and went off in search for a pair of *gasp* flats.

I'm a very small size 5 so when I came across a pair of gold-embellished pale tan suede thongs, I got them. I figured that I could always return them after having given them sufficient sttudying at home. Which I did. Scott wasn't too fond of them, my mom said "oh my God" (and not in a good way) and I was jinggling wherever I went. That's the sound, not the movement.

So I went back to hitting the shoe stores. By some freakish chance, the next pair that I liked were from the same shop. And again, they had it in my size. And, I could actually fit into that 5. So I go to return gold suede thongs and to purchase brown strappy flat. But I decide to try on some other things. In fact, nearly everything else. So I go through black, white, gold (which very nearly was th winner) and finally, the bronze. I figured since I'm tan, at least the bronze goes better with my skin. Not too bling or anything.

So yeah, I now have flats that I need to wear in. Although that still relies very heavily on what I'm wearing. I always say shorts people need to watch the flats and the longer skirts. Too much risk of chopping those legs even further. Lucky for me that those long flowy gypsy skirts are in then. Flats are good with them. No minis or rara skirts to work though. Which is why I'm still wearing my 3" heels today. I'll save the short stuff (skirts, not me) for a day out in the sun. Most probably shopping, hopefully in comfort.


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