Friday, October 20, 2006

Jolie for Shiseido & St John

As you know, I love Angelina Jolie. She beautiful, compassionate, interesting, independent and doesn't seem to really give a damn what people think about her. The best thing that Brad Pitt could ever have done was to start going out with her. I don't agree that she was the cause of his failed marriage to Jen Aniston and I don't view her as some promiscuous weirdo (due to some rather unconventional doings in the past).

So she used to sleep with knives in her bed and carry around a vial of ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton's blood. So what? I'm sure all of us have done some pretty weird shit back in the day. As for her sleeping around? Well, I'm sure many of us have been guilty of the same thing at some point in our lives. Enjoying sex and having more than 5 sexual partners does not make someone promiscuous.

Angie's come a long way since then. Now a mother and UN ambassador, she seems a lot more grounded and content. A while back, Angelina did an ad for cosmetic and skincare giant Shiseido. Here are 2 photos taken from that commercial:

She has also recently been made the face of St John in the UK. They wanted to re-vamp their image and if these photos are anything to go by, it would seem that their new image is one of sleek sophistication, a look which Angie personifies (when she does dress up and isn't in normal day to day clothes).


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